Meet Ericka Forrest & Family

Erika Forrest, her husband Glenn, and their 7 amazing children will be yet another featured family on our trip to Atlanta!  Erika and Glenn are entrepreneurs that run Titanium 3 Solutions, a managed service provider for computers and phones (  Their business takes them all around the country and they take their entire family with them on the journey! We can’t wait to learn more about how unschooling has impacted their family.

“I have a background in education, and when I first started to homeschool, I tried to do “school at home”; it was okay for a little while, but then I realized that I didn’t want them to learn a bunch of mess that they would never need. We sat down one day, and they each told me what they wanted to do with their lives. With my older children their education is self guided. My younger ones learn from life. If they ask about a particular thing we come together research it and learn about it. Some days we do nothing but go to the park. Other days we spend hours learning about a particular topic or theme. We build write skills in unconventional days like having pen pals yes through the mail, not internet. It’s the best thing I could have done for my family.

As business owners, we want our children to be life long learners. If they are burned out, they will stop as soon as they are not required to learn. We tell them to live their passion then life won’t feel like work.”

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