Meet Lishia “Sunshyne” Davis

In May, we’ll be shooting Lishia “Sunshyne” Davis (@earth_sprites) and her two awesome kids to be featured in our series on black unschoolers – our second family in sunny Florida!  Lishia and her kids run the website  along with the podcast Earth Sprites Story Hour.
“I have unschooled my children for 12 years. My son is 18, graduated, and my daughter is 9. Self directed education has been a liberating and fulfilling experience for us all. My children have been able to explore the world and learn through life experiences. I essentially watch them unfold and blossom before my eyes at the rate, speed, and in the directions that are best for them as unique individuals. It’s been a beautiful, sometimes chaotic, blessing.
Our unschool journey often takes us into earth schooling, which is why we’ve started a blog and podcast called Earth Sprites. We’ll share our journey, lesson, creations, a weekly story hour, and even activities and DIY’s. Our goal is to share, encourage, learn, and grow with the larger unschooling communities.”

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